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EASY SOLUTION TO DEAL WITH OBESITY–  By  Dr. Kapil Kochhar Dainik Jagran

  1.  Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is healthy. If you are obese you also have a much higher amount of body fat than in healthy or desirable.
  2. Adults with a body mass index (BMI, calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in m sq) between 25 kg/m2 & 30kg/m2 are considered as overweight.
  3. Adults with a BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 are considered obese.
  4. Anyone  who has a BMI greater than or equal to 40kg/m2 is considered morbidly obesity.
  5. Morbid obesity is the new epidemic that is slowly engulfing our country with changes in eating habits & lack of exercise & physical activity the disease is becoming more prevalent especially in cities.
  6.  If u have BMI of above 35 & have tried every trick in the bag to reduce body weight then you might benefit from Bariatric surgery.
  •  Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery includes a variety of procedures  performed  on people who are obese .Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with an implanted medical device( gastric banding) or through removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) or by resecting & re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery).
  • The U.S National Institute’s of health recommends bariatric surgery for obese people with a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40,& for people with BMI 35 & serious coexisting medical conditions such as Diabetes. However, research is emerging that suggest lowering of the BMI levels for Bariatric surgery. In fact for Indian Patients the recommended values are 32.5 & 37.5 instead of 35 & 40 respectively.

   Dietary advice after Bariatric surgery-

  •  Immediately, after  bariatric surgery  ,the patient is restricted to a clear liquid diet, which includes  foods such as clear broth, diluted fruit juices or sugar free gelatin desserts. This diet is continued until the gastrointestinal tract has been recovered somewhat from the surgery.
  • The next stage provided a blended or pureed sugar free diet for at least two weeks. This may consist of skimmed milk ,cream of wheat ,a small part of margarine, protein drinks, cream soup, pureed fruit & mashed potatoes with gravy.
  • Post -surgery, Overeating is curbed because exceeding the capacity of the stomach causes nausea & vomiting. Diet restrictions after recovery from surgery depends in part On the type surgery. Many patient & low in Fats & alcohol.

  Fluid Recommendations-

  •  It is very common, within the first month post -surgery for a patient to undergo volume depletion & dehydration. In order to prevent fluid volume depletion & dehydration. In order to prevent to prevent fluid volume depletion & dehydration a minimum of 2 litres should be consumed by repetitive small sips of the day.
  •  It has been found that at the end of 36 months after surgery average weight loss is from 35-55 kg depending upon the type of surgery. However in certain cases the weight loss has been as high as up to 80 kgs. Once this much weight is lost then additional measures such as exercise will lead to more weight loss.
  • However Bariatric is not a cheap procedure . The average cost of the commonly done procedure ranges between 2.5 to 5 lakh Indian rupees or $ 4.94421 US Dollars depending upon the type of procedure performed.


In Times of India
In Times of India