Covid and the Elderly!

Today after nearly five months of COVID Pandemic the medical fraternity is unanimous on one observation all over the world– Elderly are the most vulnerable to covid.

Although overall mortality of this disease is only 3-5 % but nearly 80% of the dead are of sixty years and above. Being more fragile as far as health is concerned they need to be extra cautious. They should be well hydrated, eat only home cooked food and lots of fruits to boost the immunity. Ideally they shouldn’t be stepping out of the house, not even for walk. In case of emergency if they have to leave the home then they should be extra cautious for all the precautions like mask, safe distance, hand sanitizer etc. As most of them have comorbidities like diabetes, high bp, kidney disease etc. they should take extra care of these conditions nowadays. It’s needed because if they become sick due to any of the preexisting conditions they become an easy prey for covid. While at home they should not be entertaining too many visitors. Their homes should be well stocked not only with their routine medicines but groceries and toiletries too. In case they are dependent on helps then it’s better to have in house help rather than visiting ones. Many of these elderly people need to visit hospitals regularly for routine visits. These visits should be minimized or teleconsults should be done. However these people should not be bed bound or locked in a room. They should be fully active at home, watching TV and keeping in touch with all their near and dear ones.

God forbid if they develop any symptoms early hospitalization should be done. It’s needed because they can deteriorate very fast. If they are proven to be covid positive then they are started on oral HCQ (hydroxychloroquine ) therapy. Maintaining their blood oxygen levels is of foremost importance. Underlying medical conditions and infections have to be kept under control. If all these measures fail then a few may need ICU care, anticoagulants, steroids and ventilators as treatment support.